An easy but useful tip is to add the hostname of your VPS to your system hosts files. Often, a VPS is referred by its IP address or by its hostname given by the vps company, e.g.
An easy way to access your VPS is to give the VPS a friendly name in your hosts file. Edit the hosts file which is located at:
Fire up your browser, remote desktop or SSH and simply connect to vps1. The system will connect to the IP address specified in the hosts file!
An easy way to access your VPS is to give the VPS a friendly name in your hosts file. Edit the hosts file which is located at:
Windows: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hostsThe structure of the file is mostly the same on both operatings systems. Add a line to host file, replace with the IP address of your VPS and replace vps1 with the name you want to access the VPS.
Linux : /etc/hosts vps1
Fire up your browser, remote desktop or SSH and simply connect to vps1. The system will connect to the IP address specified in the hosts file!
Easy access to your VPS